location... location... location...
Riddle me this, Batman -
Why is the link to a person's Blog page at the very bottom of their profile? Sure, I can just hit the end key to get to the link, but wouldn't it make more sense for the blog link on the blogger's profile page on the Blogger site be at the top since it's all about the blog?! Blog blogblog, blog blog-blog blog. Above the "Contact" section of the sidebar seems like a fitting locale, not where it is presently. Can I get an "Amen, brutha"?
Why is the link to a person's Blog page at the very bottom of their profile? Sure, I can just hit the end key to get to the link, but wouldn't it make more sense for the blog link on the blogger's profile page on the Blogger site be at the top since it's all about the blog?! Blog blogblog, blog blog-blog blog. Above the "Contact" section of the sidebar seems like a fitting locale, not where it is presently. Can I get an "Amen, brutha"?

amen, brutha.
just got to your page via blogger, searching for fellow tennesseans. exciting new features! now if only i could figure out how to search for things not listed on my own profile....
Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:43:00 PM
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